Lead management System

Lead Management System

What is Lead Management system?

Leads are your prospective clients who might be interested to use or buy your product/service.

It is essential to not just acquire leads but to nurture and convert them into clients as fast as possible. This process to manage leads consistently requires proper strategic planning enabled through an efficient Lead management software.

Efficient lead management framework is a strategic and systematic process in which your leads are efficiently captured, nurtured, and converted into new business.

Lead funnel in Lead management System

Sales teams often end up spending their valuable time on wrong leads due to a broken lead management process.

Such companies fail to track the complete lifecycle of a lead in an organized way. They lack a structured lead scoring and qualification process. Any leakages in the process can push your prospects to your competitors.

Lead management System

Grow your business with a powerful lead management system

Good lead management system makes sure that no leads are missed out and eliminates all leakages.

HappSales lead management system adopts a very scientific and comprehensive methodology to make sure that your team only works on the right leads and win more deals in less time. 

HappSales Customer Relationship Management CRM software can help you effectively capture leads and automate your lead management process. 

It provides unified end-to-end visibility into your leads and sales conversion process. You no longer need to juggle multiple tools and excel sheets.

“I choose HappSales because of its value and incredibly superior customer service. Every business needs a CRM these days. By using actionable CRM data, we can make better decisions. It has accelerated our sales velocity and has all the required features for complete sales automation. HappSales CRM is user-friendly, affordable, and customizable. They present better value and are quite robust yet simple to use. Very pleased!”

Pawan Kumar Bariar

Head - Marketing, Leading Facility Management Services

Steps in Lead management System

Ultimate 7-Steps for the best lead management system framework

Seven step lead management infographic
Step 1 - Lead management System



Lead capturing, when done effectively, can give much-needed initial thrust to the lead management process. In this stage, all the details about your leads are systematically captured and populated in a centralized database without any leakages. Rich information about the captured leads goes a long way in helping sales teams to deeply engage with the lead.

Even if they are not qualified for immediate sales, it helps to create a database of prospects that can be nurtured later.



Lead scoring is a process of assigning a score to your leads; which in turn helps your team to prioritize them. It will help your team to identify which leads or prospects are most valuable with a high propensity to convert to potential customers.

Our proprietary scoring model within the lead management tool helps to accurately score your leads based on multiple attributes. A scientific way of scoring your leads makes the lead qualification process much more effective.

Step 2 - Lead management System
Step 3 - Lead management System



Lead qualification follows the powerful internationally-acclaimed BANT framework. Leads get qualified based on their budget, authority, timeline, and need. If done well, your sales reps will be able to channel all their efforts on the right leads. This in turn will help them close more deals faster.

At HappSales, we extend the lead management system framework to include the important criteria of solution fitment. Our unique BANTS lead qualification methodology combined with lead scoring makes lead qualification and lead categorization most effective. Based on this lead scoring methodology, leads get classified as hot, warm, or cold leads and only qualified leads  move further into the sales funnel.



As soon as the leads are classified, it is crucial to distribute them among the right sales team members so they can quickly move the deal to the next stage of the sales cycle. Any delay in this stage can jeopardize the deal and one might end up losing the business to the competition.

Lead distribution usually is based on lead location, product, opportunity size, stage in the buying journey, etc.

HappSales CRMs lead management system not only simplifies the process of distribution but also makes it very quick and effective. One can also assign and track a corresponding sales activity right from the lead management module if required; giving you end-to-end visibility on action taken.

Step 4 - Lead management System
Step 5 - Lead management System



Not all the identified leads are ready to buy and want to make an immediate purchase. They might be in the early stages of awareness or consideration. This is where it is important to nurture the leads and guide them to make a favorable decision.

Nurturing a lead could involve multiple sets of marketing and sales activities required to educate the client and convert them to potential customers. It is achieved through a combination of multiple activities like emails, client meetings, reference calls, sharing collaterals, and case studies, etc.



Tracking and measuring the progress of leads is possibly the most important yet time-consuming step. It is critical for you to have visibility into the progress of leads within your sales pipeline and the corresponding activities executed to nurture them. You need to make sure that the leads are moving in the right direction within in their buyer journey.

If this step is not optimized well, there is a very high risk of leads falling between the cracks which can ultimately lead to very poor sales conversions and revenue leakages.

Step 6 - Lead management System
Step 7 - Lead management System



The last step of a lead management process is when a lead converts into a paying customer. It is important to study these conversion trends and use the insights to continuously improve your lead management process.

HappSales CRM offers the most scientific Lead Management software

Lead Management system with
IndiaMart integration

HappSales lead management system with IndiaMart Integration makes sure all the Leads are capture and pulled into HappSales at frequent intervals and available within HappSales.

With this capability, you can just relax and have all your leads from IndiaMart flow into HappSales CRM. That way, no leads are missed out by your team.

Your lead generation team can then Qualify or Disqualify the leads using the BANTS framework.

Sales teams can then channel all their efforts only on the right qualified leads who have a high chance of converting into potential customers. This optimizes their time, effort and cost of sales.

IndiaMart integration speeds up your sales cycle. It provides an easy influx of the most relevant leads, saves time in qualifying, tracking, and converting your leads; thereby giving your business an edge over your competitors.

Lead management System Integration
Lead management System

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